April 13, 2012

Wooo! It's my 5th day into p90x. I weight 136 now, so I've lost 3 lbs since beginning! While that's nice, and 135 has always been my mini goal weight, I want inches to be lost. I'll take my inches after 30 days, so May 9th.

April 09, 2012


P90X arrived today (Gerard Way's bday, woot woot!) I decided I'm doing the Lean version. I just finished my first work out, which was Core Synergistics. Jesus Christ. I'm proud of myself. I pushed myself, modified exercises, and attempted each workout till the end. Don't get me started about the sweat...omfg, sick. But it felt good to sweat so much, because I knew I did something right. I need to shower, but I'm so weak and sleepy. Ahhh!! Horror!