I got a job at a deli, it's cool. I don't start until next week, but I need money so bad right now. My car insurance is running out. I need money so bad. I have nothing. My aunt disowned me for no reason and shes dragging my name through the dirt. My rich great aunt hasnt said anything to me, and I hope she isnt mad. I need her help so much.
To top things off, my car is screwed up. It wont even start. It's probably going to be 700 to fix it. I hate things so much. How can life shit on me so much. I'm stuck in my house all day. My ex has been staying the night here. We havent done anything. But its nice to have someone here. No news on my lawsuit yet, I dont know if theres a case yet. But my lawyer has the medical records now.
I am so stressed. To do this all on my own essentially. I'm only 20. I need my car so bad. I worked so hard to get my license. Now I have to pay tons of money to fix it, just like I had to pay tons of money to get my license from my fines from high school. Maybe I can get a gofundme set up, because jesus fucking christ, if anyone needs some help right now...