May 01, 2012

Crapola has went down since my last post. And it truly sucks.

First off, I have very bad acid reflux, hiatal hernia, and gerd. Therefore, dysphagia. I 've had swallowing issues since 2nd grade. It takes me an incredibly amount of time and effort to eat. Right now, I'm not eating anything, and hardly drinking. For about a week now. It is the worst feeling. My limps feel stiff and weak, I'm dizzy, I see spots, I'm missing school (a week!!), and it is out of my control. I weigh 130 lbs right now... cool I guess. P90X is very difficult, because I do not have nearly enough fuel in my body. This has happened before, Summer '08 (which I talked a lot about in my previous blog.) I feel like this one is worse, because it gets so bad sometimes that I can't swallow spit. It sucks.
Today I met with a specialist who helped me before. I'm getting a 2nd endoscopy done Thursday. I'm excited because the first one was kind of fun xD But that's what's up.

Also, I'm happy to say I am FINALLY losing inches. Very little, but it's progress. 5.5 all together. 2 inches from my waist (my waist is the least of my concerns, blahh!), .5 inches each from both arms, 1 inch from my hips, and.... 1 and .5 inches seperately from my thighs.
Now I'm motivated to continue xD This is also my 1st recovery week, but since last week I was very ill, I'm extending 1 more week and skipping recovery. Next Monday I'm just going to jump right into phase 2 (or else I'd be confused with my days.) So yeah. Good signs for the coming months. :D
I deleted my previous post where I was upset from only losing weight and not inches.