May 13, 2012

"They're calling, calling, calling me home, calling, calling...." I'm really in love with that song.

There's 2 more weeks of school left. Since I missed so many days, I have to go to alternative school. Basically, it's beside my school and it's where all the crazies and trouble makers go :DD No. I dread it. I'm only there to make up my credits. The administrater made a deal with me, that if I pass my English (already did) and math SOLs, I will get both those credits. Math. Ugh. I'll try.

I need to exercise! I have Kenpo X today, and Ab Ripper since I forgot to do it the other day. I'm kind of tired though. And I want to play Left4Dead. Hmm.. perhaps I'll play my game, do ab ripper, rest or take a nap for an hour or two, then do kenpo. Yes! That's the plan.

I. Rule.