School started yesterday. My senior year. It really sucked. I'm pretty bummed. It wasn't how I wanted it to be. My depression has come back really bad for the past month, so I'm on Zoloft again. Now my anxiety has come back full forced. Before I even got to my 1st block yesterday, I has a meltdown and wanted to leave. My brain is so fucked up. I wish I were normal. I'm going to see my psychiatrist and get some Ativan to help my anxiety for a little while.
I have to fix my schedule asap though. My 3rd block causes me hell. It's art and I'm all alone in there, and I'm just not good at art. Then I have a really shitty lunch with only ONE girl to sit with, and she is kind of annoying. All of my friends have different lunches. I already filled out a form to turn in to request a new schedule. I'm going to replace art with French II with my friend, then I'll have lunch with her, then for 4th block I'll have Keyboarding with another friend. Everything will get better, I know that. I'm just impatient and anxiety ridden. Hopefully by tomorrow I will get the good news that my schedule is revised to my liking.
Writing all of this is helping me and my thoughts. A few hours ago I had a total breakdown...
Well, since my last post. That money came and I got some clothes and a great camera. I also got Sims 3 Showtime and Skyrim.... Skyyyyriiiimmm is muh lyf. I'm a level 27 (I think) wood elf named Fawn xD She is also a werewolf and is married to a fellow werewolf named Farkas. And I have Shadowmere, buwahahaa! I can't wait to get xbox live and get the Dawnguard dlc.... vampire lord here I come!
Oh, and court. Wait, first off, I didn't complete community service; however, I haven't heard any news about that... maybe they'll forget c: But court, I went at the beginning of the month, they extended to last Monday, then once more extended it now to September 5th. They are waiting on the results of my "nasal endoscopy", which I will delightfully get to experience next week. ._.