School is fine now. I got out of art and I'm in keyboarding now, and all friends are in lunch with me. Court went great. Basically, I'm set up for review on my birthday in march, and if everything is fine, they will drop everything.
On Thursday we had this investments in learning assembly at school and I won $100 (second year in a row, yeahh!) And the local news station was there and the producer tricked me into being interviewed! I thought he just wanted to talk to me about the reward I got, no, he put a microphone on me the cameraman was in my face. T_T Ugh.
But I'm so happy, I needed that money for clothes! Gah. I get the check on Tuesday. I've been trying to diet for homecoming, but it's so hard. At least I'm maintaining and not gaining though. I'm 126, but I'm still going to try my best to get to 115 by homecoming night (October 20th.)