May 23, 2015

I'm only posting this as kind of a draft for a possible facebook status. I am sooo upset. This dumbass girl shared a link ( of basically gibberish. From what I deciphered amongst something about Lena Dunham (which I am equally appalled by) and some percent signs thrown around and pulling out the old "u hate me because im a conservative christian" card, it's apparently normal to molest your sisters and all teens do it? So pray for Josh. Because he learned his lesson. And his victims are invalid. Thanks jesus.
I don't care what religion or lack of you have, what color your skin is, or your gender, this action is gross and wrong and should never -ever- be justified.


I've always felt guilty for watching the Duggars. I started watching their show when I was really young, so it remained a habit to keep up with them even though I was fully aware of how problematic and ignorant they are. After what has happened recently, I will no longer watch their show or reruns (if it airs again.)
I'm really making this status because I am appalled and livid over people defending Josh's actions. What he did was absolutely disgusting. No excuses. At 14 years old, you are fully aware of whether something like that is right or wrong. That is not normal behavior, even though I read a ludicrous article that said it is. Are you trying to tell me it's ok to touch someone inappropriately without their consent? He chose to do that to 5 girls, 4 of which was his sisters, even on occasions while they slept. Disgusting. And disgusting people are defending him.
This is not about people attacking the Duggar family because of their religious and conservative views. People are outraged because Josh Duggar molested 5 girls. I don't give a crap if his victims "forgave" him, I know sure as hell they never forgot about that. That psychologically screws you up, and praying to God does not erase the psychological wound. Their forgiveness does NOT justify his actions. And their parents didn't seek out the right repercussions for what he did. Josh had to go build a house for 4 months while being mentored by a church elder??? What????? Well shit, that'll teach him! Let's not forget the policeman that gave him a "stern talking to" has been convicted of child porn and is serving 50+ years in prison.
How? Can? People? Defend? This? BS? It really makes me doubt that his victims received proper counseling. And that is so heartbreaking. Don't even get me started on his girlfriend (now wife) still agreeing to date him after finding out what he did. I would be out of Arkansas faster than him saying "green bean casserole."

TL;DW: Do not defend or support Josh Duggar or his parents, obviously.