February 26, 2012

I have finally lost 5 lbs! Woooo! I really need to exercise though, hopefully tonight I will. My birthday is March 9th. I'll be 17 and I don't have my driving permit!! jrgkrjgrl! I really want to get it next month so I can feel more my age. Besides that, I was trying to say, I want to get back down to 140 or less by the 3rd, so when I go birthday shopping I can buy clothes with confidence. ^__^
I definitely can get to 140 as long as I stay determined...

But 135 would be nice.

February 19, 2012

RANT TIME! Topic: Attention Whores.

I fucking hate attention seekers. What brought up this topic? A dumb little bitch on my facebook who made a status that said "hmmmmm...I think I'll starve myself. What do you think facebook?" Uh, fuck you. Of course, she got the attention she wanted. The comments consisted of "no! your so tiny!" etc etc. And there was a few who called her out on her BS myself included. She then tried to pull a sob story like "i use to be an anorexic! my ex boyfriend told me to starve myself. if you guys knew anything about me you'd stop!" Once again, fuck you bitch. Yeah, you are the ONLY person to ever have an eating disorder, right? What about the people who STILL have eating issues that read your status? What a dumb, self-centered little shit. After that I HAD to go exercise.

I'm 98% to the weight I was before I gained those wretched 5 lbs. This time I won't give-in. I shall keep losing. >:)

February 18, 2012

I got really sick two days after that post. Which resulted in insomnia and gaining weight. My insomnia is still happening. It's terrible. I can't control it and it has affected school. I can never wake up to go to school; I have already missed 9 days (10 is the limit, according to the policy!) And another fantastic thing, I have to go to court for violating my petition thing. It'll be my 3rd time go to court for truancy. JUVIE. I will fucking die in there. That is not the place for me! My school doesn't give a shit! They know there is an issue here, but won't do anything to help me after I tell them and tell them. I have anxiety, depression, and insomnia, why the fuck can't I finish up this semester online?!?!!!!?! Fuck everyone.

I've been surprisingly losing weight without really trying. Right now I am 147.4. I'm glad though. It'll become easier not to eat because I'm so stressed and upset. And it's Saturday right now and there is NOTHING to do!! No one is here when I really need them.