August 28, 2015

I'm bored so I'm posting pics of a sims 2 house I built. Which I rarely build. It's small and colorful and crisp.

I couldn't figure out how to get the ceilings to work?? I know you can have ceilings in sims 2. I even put down the tiles. God idek anymore.

August 16, 2015

Ughhhhhhhh. I woke up feeling shitty. Same old, same old.

The Fall Out Boy concert was fun. But Samantha lost her keys before FOB even came out so that dampened the mood. Wiz Khalifa almost ran into me, and Patrick was an angel as usual. (petewasstupidasusual)

I'm in such limbo, adult-wise(?) I don't know what I'm doing, and I can't make myself be productive even though I really want to be. I can't put forth the actions to be so. I keep making excuses. I really am tired and I want change. And it must be so annoying for my friends to hear this all the time. Every month I'm like "shitshitshitshit i need to grow up. omg anxiety. im so sad. shitshitshit."

And I'm so bored all the time. I want to go out but no one else does.