Weight loss has been going well (: I'm basically 141 right now...only about 5 more lbs until my goal weight #1. I can't wait to have my birthday dinner with my boyfriend next week :3 I hope to be in the 130's by then! I already picked out the outfit I want to wear and it looks lovely. However....
My friend is such a little bitch. She is insensitive & narcissistic. She is ALWAYS bringing me down. I can't stand it. And she mocked me because I'm unable to eat well. I told her about it today and she said "Fucking sorry? Chill out." Fuck you too. The 'however' part from above comes in to play because I butchered my leg and arm. My leg is the worst. I'm hopping to get it cleared up as much as possible by next Friday because I'm wearing a dress.
I need to sleep.